The Characteristics of an Artist


The process of creating art requires balance between ideas and emotions. While some artists create art as an outlet for their emotion, others create it for the satisfaction it brings to society. Regardless of the reason behind the artist’s creative process, art touches all aspects of a person’s life and is a catalyst for change. Art captivates our senses and reaches beyond our physical world to reach our hearts. In this way, it can help us feel a sense of purpose and belonging.

The work of an artist is a reflection of their individuality and skill. Whether they perform in the performing arts or create works for exhibitions, artists are creative and innovative. Some may be unconventional, adventurous, or even flamboyant. Whatever their approach, they are a creative person with a strong sense of self. Here’s a look at some of the characteristics of an artist:

Fine artists usually exhibit their work in museums, commercial art galleries, and corporate collections. Some work on commission. Most, though, make their living by selling their work directly or through private art galleries. Some fine artists even have other jobs to supplement their careers. Others work as curators or fine-arts directors. These positions provide them with an opportunity to sell their work while maintaining a thriving business. But regardless of the level of success, artists must remember that they aren’t a lone wolf.

Artists’ careers are often characterized by long hair, short suits, and a passion for their craft. These individuals are typically shy when it comes to paying meal tickets, technicalities, or the price of a tripe sandwich. Others may be boot-blacks, barbers, and Paderewskis. Whatever the case may be, artists are rapidly becoming a significant part of the country’s economic and cultural life. While an artist’s career may be rewarding and fulfilling, if he or she doesn’t understand how others see them, their work is likely to be overlooked.